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Black Diamonds – Elusive and Exclusive!

Black diamonds are certainly a bit of a mystery. Unlike conventional diamonds, black diamonds don’t sparkle due to their primary colouration. Instead of being light refractive diamonds, black diamonds actually absorb light. Standing out from the crowd is not good enough; now one has to own fine quality black diamonds to say, “I am here!” Walking into a room in this day and age with white diamonds will undeniably be attention-grabbing. However, the rarity of this black stone and its unique appeal is likely to make you the centre of attention at any gathering.

Black diamonds are made up of a mineral known as carbonado, which is black or dark grey in colour. Carbonado is a polycrystalline diamond to be found in the remains of alluvial deposits. It is sourced from different parts of the world, such as Brazil and in the Central African Republic. Although considered more porous than white diamonds, black diamonds can be cut and masterfully perfected into unique rings and beautiful necklaces, earrings, pendants and other jewellery pieces.

Black diamonds have traditionally been cheaper than the conventional white diamonds, but of late these dark stones are becoming a lot more expensive. This is partly due to the great appreciation of these stones by some of the most affluent in the world. This is also a response to the edifying power of today’s marketing campaigns through mass media outlets. In fact, opulence and power is often associated with black diamonds and these gemstones have become one of the rarest, yet recognisable status symbols amongst the rich and influential. Exclusivity is what owners of these gemstones buy.

Strangely, since black diamonds are rare, some even question its actual existence. A little research, however, will prove that they certainly do exist. Leading diamond companies throughout the world stock these stones directly, or are able to source it for you. These gemstones, however, aren’t a common site anywhere in the world; you could say black diamond owners are an elite club on their own.

Diamond Source is a leading online diamond and jewellery specialist. Our reputable diamond facility offers a wide collection of black diamonds for those who wish to be part of this powerful and exclusive club. Simply call or email us to request a quote now.